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Thank you so much! xD
Now, let's get back to where it started..
A lot of you may have heard of Fairy Tail, another manga created by Hiro Mashima, after his well-known comic, Rave. The line art, the style of drawings are practically the same. But, Hiro Mashima is back with new base of stories, if it's not better than Rave.
Do you know where to download it? or watch it online?
C G 為你熬夜 幫你錄下你最愛的影片
Wèi nǐ áoyè bāng nǐ lù xià nǐ zuì'ài de yǐngpiàn C Em F G 一起熬夜 一起在网上廢話連篇
Yīqǐ áoyè yīqǐ zài wǎngshàng fèihuà liánpiān
Am C D
過了很多天 我們熬過多少夜
Guòle hěnduō tiān Wǒmen áoguò duōshǎo yè F C G 就讓我唱這一首歌
Jiù ràng wǒ chàng zhè yī shǒu gē F G F G C 請陪我熬夜到明天
Qǐng péi wǒ áoyè dào míngtiān